Writing random numbers in PIC16F1936 internal EEPROM – Could anyone advise on how I can write the data randomly in EEPROM using MicroC? Read more
Can’t print to thermal printer using serial communication port – I have interfaced an EPM203A-LV printer with my Renesas microcontroller RL78/G12 using UART. For this I am using CS+ IDE. Read more
Port B is not stable – I am using a PIC16f72 and I am trying to blink some led on port C using port B as an input. It is not functioning properly. Sometimes it is stable but it is not stable when I use the delay function for blinking LEDs. Read more
AC signal processing in PIC – I am processing an AC waveform using a PIC and I need to know when the signal crosses the point marked in red circle. Y axis is volts. Read more
Capacitors for use with MAX232 devices – I have some tantalum caps which don’t appear to be polarized – are they fine to use with the MAX232 type devices? Read more
Connecting Nichrome wire – I want to make a small 220v heater so I bought some Nichrome wire gauge 30 (0.3mm). I just want to know if I can connect my Nichrome wire directly to 220v plug or do I need to add any circuit between? Read more
Intelligent highway street lighting system – I am building this lighting system and found this schematic as a possible resource. In the schematic, he has used two ICs of LM339 one is connected with solar cell and other is connected with battery. Do I need to use both? The schematic also shows four amplifiers connected to the pins (p1.0, p1.1, p1.2, p1.3) of the microcontroller. What are the LM339 ICs (blue) and what are the LM339 ICs (red)? If both are the same, then the single IC must have the same components connected to them. Read more
How do I turn on a power supply using PIC18f452? – The PIC is powered with the same power supply using voltage regulator and I need to interface wireless module with PIC to turn on the power supply. Read more
8051 with RTC SD12887 problem – I’m facing a problem in driving the RTC Ds12887 with AT89C51ED2. I already built the circuit and i’m trying to write a C code according to this tutorial. My confusion comes from the built-in command XBYT. Read more
How to choose a microcontroller and programming language – I am new to microcontrollers and it is still quite hard for me to choose the right one. I find it hard to understand some of its characteristics like for example, the ADC resolution or the MAC operation. And, which program is best? Read more
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