SK hynix announced that it has developed PIM*, a next-generation memory chip with computing capabilities. It has been generally accepted that memory chips store data and CPU or GPU, like a human brain, processes data. SK hynix, following its challenge to such notion and efforts to pursue innovation in the next-generation smart memory, has found […]
Machine learning
Machine learning ICs operate in analog domain
launched the first member of its analogML family, the AML100, which is the industry’s first and only tiny machine learning (ML) solution operating completely within the analog domain. As such, the AML100 reduces always-on system power by 95%, allowing manufacturers to dramatically extend the battery life of today’s devices or migrate walled powered always-on devices to the […]
IoT development tools work on ultra-low power PSoC 6 MCUs
Infineon Technologies AG is collaborating with SensiML for building intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) endpoints. Together they offer developers an easy and seamless process to capture data from Infineon XENSIV sensors, train Machine Learning (ML) models, and deploy real-time inferencing models directly on ultra-low-power PSoC 6 microcontrollers (MCUs). This can be completed by using the SensiML […]
AI/ML software runs on PSoC TM 6 MCUs
SensiML Corporation announced that it has teamed with Infineon Technologies to deliver a complete AI/Machine Learning (ML) solution for the Infineon PSoCTM 6 family of microcontrollers (MCUs) and the wide range of sensors they support. The collaboration combines SensiML’s Analytics Toolkit AI development software with the Infineon ModusToolboxTM and ultra-low power dual-core PSoC 6 MCUs, […]
How to improve ADAS with hardware designed to support real-time decision making
By Dustin Seetoo, Director of Product Marketing, Premio Inc. Deep learning for autonomous vehicle systems requires a blended software and hardware strategy In-step deep learning training and inference Deep learning training and deep learning inference are very different processes, each with a specific role in developing more advanced autonomous driving systems. Deep learning training taps […]
AI processor recognizes voice commands and sound events via single microphone
AONDevices, Inc. announced that engineering samples of its new AON1100 processor are now available. The AON1100 Edge AI processor enables unprecedented sensing capabilities in battery-powered always-on devices that need to support local wake words, voice commands, sound event detection, context detection, and sensor fusion at high accuracy – all while maintaining industry-leading low power consumption that extends […]
Machine learning platform supports long short-term memory quantization
Imagimob announced that its tinyML platform Imagimob AI supports quantization of so-called Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layers and a number of other Tensorflow layers. LSTM layers are well-suited to classify, process, and make predictions based on time series data, and are therefore of great value when building tinyML applications. The Imagimob AI software with quantization […]
Development platform supports Arm Cortex-M55 processors
IAR Systems announced that the latest version of IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm adds support for the Arm Cortex-M55 processor. In addition, version 9.20 of the toolchain includes support for the latest microcontroller (MCU) devices from several semiconductor vendors. The Arm Cortex-M55 processor from Arm is an AI-capable Cortex-M processor and the first to feature […]
Add-on supports Microsoft Azure machine learning
Seeq Corporation announced additional integration support for Microsoft Azure Machine Learning. This new Seeq Azure Add-on announced at Microsoft Ignite 2021, an annual conference for developers and IT professionals hosted by Microsoft, enables process manufacturing organizations to deploy machine learning models from Azure Machine Learning as Add-ons in Seeq Workbench. The result is machine learning […]
Platform targets edge sensing applications such as industrial process control and monitoring
SensiML Corporation announced that it has teamed with onsemi to deliver a complete machine learning solution for autonomous sensor data processing and predictive modeling. The collaboration combines SensiML’s Analytics Toolkit development software with the RSL10 Sensor Development Kit from onsemi to create a platform ideal for edge sensing applications such as industrial process control and […]