Sometimes a client will ask for the impossible and expect it at low cost. Or worse yet, the sales engineer in your company will win a project on a low bid because he/she thought it could be accomplished in a “creative” (but impossible) way. What if you were tasked with a wirelessly communicating embedded project […]
Understanding single-ended and differential communication systems
Do you know the difference between single-ended and differential communication schemes? And when should you use them, which one you should use, and why? Single-ended communications set ups are meant to be used only for short runs or to provide communication between devices on the same Printed Circuit Board (PCB). Single-ended communications will reference the […]
DIY Artificial Intelligence
Machines are now faster and more accurate than humans at identifying information in images. Machines don’t get bored looking for flaws in widgets for hours at a time without a break. There’s been a lot of talk in the news about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will replace jobs. The industrial revolution displaced thousands of people […]
Cybersecurity basics: Authentication and “key” management in LoRaWAN, Part 2
In part 1, we described the process of providing end-to-end security and some of the challenges in achieving network security. In this installment, we will go over how authentication work to achieve end-to-end network security between the end devices and the application servers. Device authentication and key management Each LoRaWAN device is given a unique 128-bit […]
Mistakes to avoid when submitting a design for PCB assembly
Simple prototype Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) require, on average, 11.6 physical prototypes, whereas more complex PCBs require as many as 16.[i] And according to Advanced Assembly, a prototype PCB assembly house, “94% of assembly data is accidentally submitted with errors.”[ii] PCB assembly houses will extract design data from PCB design files and create a PDF […]
Cybersecurity basics: Server and end device relationship to LoRaWAN network, Part 1
Providing end-to-end security is the ultimate security goal of every wireless network. Each reported successful cyber attack serves as a reminder that achieving security is easier said than done. Let’s first examine the process. Most of us know about using strong passwords and encryption. The most vulnerable security component is key management during device activation […]
Understanding delay for I/O: Using Arduino functions vs. coding the MCU
Sometimes the conveniences of using an Arduino board start to conflict with the performance that you expect, at least from a strict engineering point of view. When you develop with the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE), there are some things you need to know to understand the processing delays, functions, and how to overcome them […]
Protecting an MCU: Build your own optocoupler
Microcontrollers are widely used for controlling transistors and relays. Transistors and relays are used for actuating or (energizing) equipment with a higher voltage than an MCU can handle. For example, fans, lights, television, door locks, furnaces, and appliances can be automated using an MCU. However, most operate at higher voltages than the voltage tolerances designated […]
What’s new with Wi-Fi 6? Focus on high-efficiency
The first widespread home electrical appliance was the toaster, and 90% of homes today still have one.[i] Today, wireless connectivity to the internet is as ubiquitous as electricity was a hundred years ago. Smartphones, tablets, wearables, laptops, televisions, Nest thermostats, Alexa, Google Home, Ring video doorbell sensors, surveillance cameras, door locks, smart lighting, and anything […]
Teardown: Rexing V1 dash cam
The Rexing V1 is a simple wedge-shaped dash camera that films in a 1080-line progressive scanning format. The lens is made of six glass layers and is fish-eyed to capture a 170° view of whatever it sees. There’s also a built-in vibration sensor, called a G-sensor in the promotional literature, that automatically locks any files […]