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Circuit diagram to connect the PIC kit3 debugger – Can anyone provide me with the circuit diagram to connect the Pic Kit3 debugger to target device PIC 18F4520. I am trying to get the PIC Kit3 with a previous board made by a colleague and it keeps giving an ID mismatch problem with MPLAB IDE. Read more
Hex file only 1kb after compiling – I’m new to using MikroC for Pic and programming in c in general, I have attempted to take the code found here:…or-k-type.html
No idea what it was compiled with and pretty sure it is incomplete but I’ve attempted to re-write it for a PIC16F877A and use MAX6675 thermocouple in Mikroc for PIC. My first issue is (code not finished yet) when I compile the program it results in a 1kb hex file and when simulated it get stuck on the first line which in assembler is goto L0 which as far as I can see is the same address so it does nothing. Read more
Atmega8 crashes when ADC value reads at a fast rate – I am making an automatic stabilizer by using Atmega8 . I am taking AC input and output directly (with very low gain) and connected to ADC and the part of measuring and relay section works correctly. But when I vary the voltage speed the Atmega8 it crashes. Read more
PIC12F675 changeover and high voltage detection – Please I need someone to code PIC12F675 with the description on the schematic provided below. I want to use this to interface with a device in my remote farm. I have two sources of power supply there. I just want to use MCU because the cost is insignificant. I just don’t want to use analogue. Read more
Measuring the time of the zero crossings – I want to measure the time interval between every zero crossings for 5V AC input signal using the PIC16f877a. I understand c programming but I am struggling to measure the time interval between every zero crossings. I did google search and found that I have to use Analog Comparator, Interrupt and CCP Module. How do I detect every zero crossing? Read more
LED blink using switch button – I want to blink LED when I press switch button on PIC16F877A with Compiler MPLABX. But when I press switch button my Led doesn’t blink it stay only ON. (code included). Read more
Microcontroller reset reason – It is again a generic question more related to Microchip family of controllers. If a controller is resetting can we narrowed to hardware or software by checking the MCLR pin. At the time of reset if there is no change on MCLR then surely because of software? Anything like that? Read more
How to use communications I2C, SPI and UART in single program Arduino UNO – I am doing one project using Arduino UNO, which is ADC (ADS1115, 3 analog inputs) data and GPS (NEO-6M-0-001) data to store in microSD card. Here the GPS contains UART (Tx, Rx) communication, SD card contains SPI communication and ADS1115 contains I2C communication. Here when I’m connected GPS and an SD card, The GPS data is stored in SD card and Like this when I’m connecting ADS1115 and SD card the data is stored in SD card. But the problem is while I’m connecting all (GPS, ADS1115, SD card) at a time it is not storing data in the SD card. Read more
Magnetic strip reader – I am planning to make security system using magnetic strip reader, where I can use any debit or credit card to open and close the lock. I am using a microcontroller, LCD, and keypad where I can easily interface these readers. But the main problem is how can I design my own readers, as the one which are easily available in the market do not fit into the plastic enclosure we have designed. Read more
PIC12F675 C code doesn’t work – Do you know why this C code for PIC12F675 doesn’t work? Its using XC8 C. All it does is make GP0 = 0 if the ADC reads the ‘busvoltage’ variable as being greater than 0x19. If the ‘busvoltage’ variable is less than 0x19 then it should make GP0 = 1. However, it does not work. Read more
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