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12 Bit ADC with interfacing SPI in STM32 – I have an external 12 bit ADC (ADS7886) on a custom-designed PCB with SMT32F767. This ADC interfaces with the microprocessor with SPI. Now my problem is that I couldn’t read digitized values correctly. Maybe because of the incorrect driving of the ADC or setting of SPI. Based on the ADC datasheet, I should set ADC SCK as 20 MHz, but I couldn’t do that with SPI. Because I can set only either 13.5 Mbits/s or 26 Mbits/s baud rate of the SPI. So how can I correctly drive ADC and read the digitized values? Read more
Driving an LCD using ShiftRegister – I am trying to control an LCD using a shift register. I am using the very successful Arduino LiquidCrystal library, which is tried and tested but I am trying to modify the only function which differs. Instead of writing bytes directly to pins (like in the original function below), I am trying to output using a shift register (also as below). Read more
I2C protocol software implementation – There are so many documents available on the internet for I2C communication and I have spent a hard time understanding I2C software protocol. I am not looking for any code. I want to understand how does it work so I made one flow chart that explains my understanding. Read more
DS1307 Rtc clock running slow – I am using DS1307 in my clock design but it seems to go back by 6 seconds per day. Then it goes 3 minutes back after 1 month. Read more
Need of equivalent IC for SST89E51RD-40-C-PIE – Did SST89E516RD-40-C-PIE IC is obsolete? Can anyone Suggest me Equivalent IC for SST89E516RD-40-C-PIE. Kindly suggest me the equivalent for the same. Read more
SPI 12-Bit Serial ADCs – I’ve been searching the internet for a long time trying to find a simple guide that explains about MAX187 ADC and how to interface it with 8051 but I couldn’t. I have attached a datasheet and timing diagram. I don’t understand the timing diagram in the datasheet I am trying to know how the master writes data to MAX187? Read more
Two nodes communicating in CAN bus protocol – Let’s say there are two nodes in the CAN bus having id 101 and 102, when node 101 communicating it sending its id 101 right? Read more
A way to delay UART frame for approx. 200-300us – I’m trying to figure out a way to delay the UART frame for approx. 200-300 μs. Are there ways to do that? Read more
Need help to read hex code – I need help to know how you can read the hex code of a Chinese MCU, specifically the STC15F204EA. Would any partner be so kind as to tell me the necessary tools and software to read the code? Read more
Fixed point arithmetic in C – I am looking for a C code to perform Q15 addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, sine(x) and cosine(x). Can anybody provide a good reference that works? Read more
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