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ADC simultaneous sampling of 4 channels – I am referring to the dspic33EP256MC506 and ADC module. There is a configuration for simultaneous sampling of 4 channels that is CH0, CH1, CH2, CH3. Out of these 4 channels, I may want only 2 channels. Should not use the module? Read more
How to make a lumen meter – I am planning to make a lumen meter to measure the lumen output of power LEDs using PIC12F microcontroller. Lumens are expressed in lumens/Watt usually. So, if I know the voltage across the LED and current through it then I can calculate LED power. If a datasheet of LEDs gives Watts per lumen information then can I convert my calculated Watts into Lumens? Read more
ATtiny85/Atmega32u4 internal differential ADC – I’ve recently found that ATtiny85 and Atmega32u4 come with differential ADC capabilities. I was messing with load cells (strain gauge Wheatstone bridges) used as weight/force sensors. Usually, people are wiring these with HX711 ICs, which is a 24bit differential ADC made just for these purposes. I wonder if I can instead connect the load cell directly to the differential ADC of Atmel. Read more
PT100 interfacing with controller – I have made a circuit to interface PT100 with my microcontroller Nuvoton N78E517A. Circuit diagram attached of the amplifier, my issue is with the software part. The ADC I used is the MCP3202 and the amplifier used is LMV358. what my problem is how should I calibrate the PT100 sensor. Read more
AN1292 application note – I am referring to the AN1292 application note source code. I have afew questions in the fuction
Code:OPENLOOP_RAMPSPEED_INCREASERATE = 10 void CalculateParkAngle(void) { else if (Startup_Ramp < END_SPEED) Startup_Ramp+=OPENLOOP_RAMPSPEED_INCREASERATE; ParkParm.qAngle += (int)(Startup_Ramp >> 10); }and the function
Code:SinCos();I am bit confused of the above function. I have shown the calculations in the excel file. Read more
PIC16F877A controlled 74HC595 by serial command – I have a project that needs to be controlled by 74hc595 by serial port send command such as “send”0xEA 0xFC 0x01 55″controlled Q0,and send”0xEA 0xFC 0x02 55″controlled Q1, but I have a problem when I send first command is right,then send second command or third command MCU was stuck,as snapshot,who can help me fixed it. Read more
Why does I2C Expander reply with NAK – NXP LPC11E68JBD48E microcontroller I2C1 is Master. I2C1 is in chapter 13. I2C1 is in Master Transmitter Mode. NXP PCAL6416A I2C 16-bit I/O Expander is Slave. I2C1 Block in Microcontroller is initialized successfully. The problem occurs the very first time Master tries to communicate with slave. Read more
Understanding the USB Protocol – I am trying to understand the connection between the two USB classes CDC and HID and four types of following data transfers.
Control Transfer
Isochronous Transfer
Interrupt Transfer
Bulk Transfer
PIC18F based motor controller design – This is my PIC18F based motor controller design. PIC18F circuit is not shown in the schematic because my question is with the motor driver circuit. I want to know whether my circuit is good? What additional changes or improvements can I do? Read more
PIC MCU PWM out controlling LM2576 or LM2596 0-25VDC – I need simple but stable adjustable DC 0-25v 3A or 5A support supply schematic for my 24v dc motor. I don’t want to use it for controllig the motor with any buck-boost converter because the motor cable will be long (3 meters). Read more
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