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Help with Matlab – I imported my project from MPLAB 8.92 into MPLAB X successfully but can’t simulate it like I do with 8.92. The tutorial indicates that I need a device such as PIC KIT3 between the computer & the PIC. But I want to do it in MPLAB X only as I do in 8.92. I have not been able to find how to do this in the tutorials. Read more
Serial communication UART in 8051 – With 8051, there is only one SBUF register, (but physically two SBUF register, one for read and another for write). Having only one RAM address of 099h, how can it be duplex? How can we read and write data simultaneously, if it is full duplex? Read more
IR remote interfacing basics – I want to use an IR remote for my project. For that, I planned to start with simple IR remote interfacing with led ON/OFF. What are the basics to do that? Read more
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