Lanner Electronics announced its first Hailo-8AI-powered PCIe accelerator card, the Falcon H8. Lanner Electronics collaborated with leading AI (Artificial Intelligence) chipmaker Hailo to design the Falcon H8, enabling scalable and powerful intelligent video analytics applications for multiple industries operating at the edge, including intelligent transport systems (ITS), smart cities, smart retail, and Industry 4.0. The Falcon H8 is one of the most cost-efficient PCIe AI accelerator cards on the market, with low power consumption and a record high of up to 156 tera operations per second (TOPS) to allow high-end deep learning applications on edge servers.
Lanner’s Falcon H8 modular, PCIe FHHL form factor provides a compact and easily deployable solution for engineers looking to offload CPU loading for low-latency deep learning inference. With high-density AI processors, the Falcon H8 accommodates 4, 5, or 6 Hailo-8™ AI processors, offering a modular, cost-effective Edge AI solution with high processing capabilities and power efficiency. Through a standard PCIe interface, the Falcon H8 AI Accelerator Card enables legacy devices such as NVRs, Edge AI boxes, Industrial PCs, and robots to run video-intensive, mission-critical Edge AI applications such as video analytics, traffic management, access control, and beyond.
The Falcon H8 delivers unprecedented inference processing of over 15,000 Frames Per Second (FPS) for MobileNet-v2 and 8,000 FPS for ResNet-50. Its performance is up to 4x more cost-effective (TOPS/$) and 2x more power-efficient (TOPS/W) compared to leading GPU-based solutions.
Lanner Electronics and Hailo first announced their collaboration in 2021, launching groundbreaking AI inference solutions for real-time computer vision at the edge.