Basis Functional announced the launch of the Renni Software Defined Radio (SDR) to make wireless research, development, and prototyping easier in a wide range of applications, including the Internet of Things, 5G, and cellular standards. Renni is a plug-and-play device that works out of the box and connects to web-based applications to make visualizing, collecting, and analyzing radio-frequency (RF) spectrum easier and cheaper than other SDRs or spectrum analyzers on the market.
Thomas Schneider, the CEO of Basis Functional and inventor of the Renni SDR, says, “I created the Renni out of a real need for simple RF solutions for SDRs that would otherwise have a huge learning curve. Out of the box, ‘boom,’ you’re looking at spectrum.”
Renni combines an RF transceiver, a single-board computer, and intuitive software into one amazingly powerful, flexible, and usable field-ready SDR. Simply control Renni remotely through a web browser to monitor, analyze, and record spectrum like never before—forget writing your own spectrum monitoring code or configuring headless networked SDRs. From Bluetooth, ZigBee, and WiFi to cellular protocols such as 5G, LTE, and GSM and to IoT protocols such as LPWAN, Renni offers many opportunities for researchers, makers, and developers to innovate faster than ever through its web-based applications and Application Programing Interface (API). Code to get started is available on GitHub for C, Matlab, and Python.
Renni is also unique because it lives in a custom housing that is manufactured on-demand. Customers can order a Renni and receive it within days, not months like products from other companies that rely on components with limited availability or long lead time. Basis Functional mills each Renni housing from high-quality 6061 aluminum with a Carbide 3D CNC mill.
Schneider notes “I wanted to bring a more affordable SDR to the market. For a small company like mine, being able to iterate quickly between designs was critical. If I had to wait for a big metal house, it would have slowed down development and increased costs significantly. The custom CNC process means that each Renni can have a custom logo or other tweaks that a specific customer might request.”
Basis Functional is a small business focused on delivering superior products to the market at rapid speeds. Based in Virginia, the company leverages years of software and hardware development in the government and commercial sectors to provide innovative wireless products and consulting services to a wide range of clients.
Renni is in stock and available immediately for purchase for $3500 through the company’s website.
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