SEGGER’s Embedded Studio for RISC-V, Version 6, now uses real-time memory management which improves efficiency and response time when allocating and freeing up memory, satisfying requirements for hard real-time in applications written in C++. The new version supports all common RISC-V 32-bit and 64-bit cores, including but not limited to RV64I, RV64E, RV64GC, RV32I, RV32IMA, RV32IMAC, RV32IMAF, RV32IMAFC, RV32G, RV32GC, RV32E, RV32EMA, RV32EMAC.
In addition, Embedded Studio now provides embedded developers with a C++17 Compiler and C++17 Standard Library, combining the efficiency and compact code of SEGGER’s emRun runtime and emFloat floating-point libraries.
The package includes generic container templates (such as sets, vectors, lists, queues, stacks, maps), standard algorithms (sorting, searching, transformations), function objects, iterators, localization, strings and streams, and utility functions for everyday use cases.
To support common embedded use cases even on resource-constrained targets, the C++ library is available in a “no-throw” configuration, avoiding overhead associated with exceptions.
Embedded Studio also comes with the SEGGER Linker, which is optimized to keep C++ applications small by removing the code duplication frequently encountered with template libraries.
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