Napatech in partnership with Silicom announced the availability of its Link-Virtualization FPGA-based SmartNIC software for Silicom’s latest generation of Intel FPGA-based SmartNICs. The combination of Napatech’s software and Silicom’s SmartNIC increases the application, networking, security, and storage performance of servers deployed in virtualized data centers. Napatech’s Link-Virtualization software is a production-grade, turn-key solution that harnesses […]
SmartNICs enable FPGA computation development efforts
Napatech announced the immediate availability of Link Programmable SmartNICs for compute-intensive workloads. Built upon Napatech’s hardware platform, the Link Programmable family of cards enables OEMs and end users to develop and deploy their own custom FPGA computation solutions based on industry-standard tools. Link Programmable SmartNICs are ideally suited for computationally intense and time-critical workloads, such […]
Beyond Moore’s Law: New solutions for beating the data growth curve
By Daniel Joseph Barry, VP Strategy and Market Development, Napatech Many of the latest innovations in cloud, enterprise, and telecom networks are predicated on the assumption that the power of server CPUs will continue to grow in line with Moore’s Law. This law predicts that the number of transistors per square inch will double every […]