STM32, Free RTOS and LwIP – ping issues – I have been trying hard to get my FreeRTOS v7.3.0 system working together with lwIP v1.4.1 and I have sucessfully managed to get connection and DHCP. But when I try to use sockets it only works sometimes. I have been trying almost everything from changing the Heap Size, changing the TCP-IP stack, and the priority. Read more
Run multiple functions simultaneously microC using C – I am using microC to program a PIC16f877a to operate motors and solenoids. I have some functions to make motors move at different times but I want these functions to start the same time. Is it possible to do this with microc for this PIC and, if not, is it possible with another PIC or language? Read more
SPI initialization on ATMEGA128 – How do I make a correct SPI initialization on ATMEGA128 ? My clock is 16Mhz. What’s the clock for SPI (SCK) ? Read more
PICDEM FS-USB and programming the.hex file – I have this demonstration board and I want to program the PIC18F4550 that comes with it with the factory .hex firmware in order to have a fresh board ready. I have installed the software that came with the board. In the folder there are a bunch .hex files and I don’t know which one to select. Does anyone knows where can I find the .hex file? Or which one should I use? I will be programming the device (using PICKit2). Read more
Working PWM stops working after adding peripheral – I have set up a PWM which was working and has been tested to be able to change its duty cycle. But after adding in other peripherals it does not work and generate the signal anymore. Is there a reason why this is happening and what should be checked to find the problem? Read more
Migrating from PIC to ARM – I have to jump into the world of 32-bit processors due to coming projects. My first attempt is the PIC31, since I am familiar with PIC products and compilers. But I am so frustrated and tired of waiting for a PIC32 with built-in FPU and motor control peripherals so that I can use the same processors for most of my projects even if that don’t require the same processing horse power. So after some research i found that STM32F4 does cover my current needs and could be future -proof for 2 years or so. I want to know what is the best tool to get started, how difficult is it to get started, and how low-level is programming on these devices. Read more
Programming a 2-digit, 7-segment LED in embedded C – I started to learn programming PICs a couple of days ago using Myke Predko’s “123 Microcontroller Experiments for the Evil Genius” and Proteus 8. I reached an experiment where the author shows how to program a 2 digit 7 segment led, so I decided to do something more challenging for me: to read the value of ADRESH and display it on the 7 segment LEDs. The problem is that even the code is okay for me and I tried to debug it and it worked fine, when I have a number bigger than 9 both 7 segment leds wil display the same number(e.g. 11,22,33…) instead of the real value of ADRESH. Below is the circuit diagram. Read more
Unable to enter programming mode – I made an identical working PCB (with ATMEga128L) but replaced the ATMEga128L with ATmega128. The ISP serial programming was designed using the the same connections between MCU and AVR MKII as in previous PCB. Unlike in my prev working PCB, the TXD RXD and CLk are always low and RSt is always High. On clicking AVR studio programming settings…
- target voltage is 4,9V
- the AVRSTUDIO v6 shows fails to enter programming mode error on clicking Read device ID
- the external resonator i am using shows 1.94 MHz freq and is connected to XTAL1 of the MCU
- while clicking REad device ID RESET goes from hight to LOW.
I am totally confused where the real error is. Read more
ARM LPC2148 kit controllers not working – I am working on ARM LPC2148 kit. The kit is correctly programmed by using flash tool but there is no change on PINS Signal. The program is written is properly working in Proteus. Read more
Arduino software for custom electronic circuit – I want to develop software for custom Arduino electronic board. I want the software to install on Windows, and to be user-friendly (meaning people without knowledge of electronics can use it to modify the circuit board parameters). What programming language should I use and is there some reference how to do it? Is it a C programming language? Read more
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