A single microLED diode handles all colors in displays, moving away from the constraints of the RGB (red-green-blue) sub-pixel model that underpins all current commercial display technologies. Porotech’s innovation lies in its game-changing DynamicPixelTuning (DPT) technology. By using a new class of Gallium Nitride materials, DPT enables a single microLED chip to produce any visible color. The material that underpins DPT, PoroGaN, allows a modulated current to be leveraged to emit visible light covering the entire color spectrum on a single microLED chip. Among the colors it can emit is pure white from a single pixel.
DPT’s potential is game-changing for the display industry at large. Through removing the need for RGB sub-pixels, DPT allows a microLED-driven display to increase overall pixel density fourfold. As a result, DPT can produce substantial gains in resolution, brightness and efficiency for every type of display. This breakthrough is of particular interest for small form factor displays that demand high resolutions, such as AR and VR displays, as well as wearable tech.
According to a market report from Grand View Research, the global AR market size in 2021 sat at $25.33 billion and is expected to grow by 40.9% a year from 2022 to 2030. Porotech is already making waves in the AR industry, including in Silicon Valley, with the DPT technology winning ‘Best Prototype’ at the 2022 Display Week industry gathering.
MicroLEDs represent the only viable solution for the future of display technology, offering myriad benefits such as improved brightness, energy efficiency, contrast ratio, longer device lifetimes, along with greater pixel densities and resolutions. Porotech’s all-in-one pixel technology allows microLEDs to achieve unparalleled commercial viability, removing the reliance on RGB altogether – a cumbersome approach dating back to the days of cathode-ray tube (CRT) displays.
Porotech’s CEO and Co-Founder Dr Tongtong Zhu says: “The world’s first full-color and all-in-one microLED display is a monumental achievement by Porotech. Mass-produced microLEDs will be pivotal for the future of displays, particularly the emerging AR and VR spaces. Our technology has solved a fundamental technical and engineering problem facing microLED display quality, manufacturability, and—most importantly—system integration.”
“This doesn’t just herald widespread adoption of consumer-grade MR, VR, and AR. In fact, DPT also offers radical improvements in TV, signage, and smart wearables in both consumer and professional contexts. By allowing pixels to move beyond RGB and quadrupling the resolution of any given display, DPT is set to unlock new uses for displays in every segment of society.”
Porotech, Unit 2, South Cambridge Business Park, Babraham Road, Sawston, UK, www.porotech.com/