WTA 16f628a button trigger code – I am using a PIC 16f628a and testing with a button trigger function. I wrote this code in C but it didn’t work as expected. My code is error-free and I checked the input voltage of button. It has a 5V supply. Desired function is, when button is pressed, only one LED is blinking; when released, two LEDs should blinking. Read more
Frequency counter not working – I am using dsPIC30F4013 with an 8 MHz crystal and XT with 8x PLL. The system clock is 64 MHz. I am using mikroC PRO dsPIC Compiler and I use Timer2 to generate an exact 1-second delay. Timer1 is used as a counter and input is from T1CK pin. I am trying the design a frequency counter which can measure up to 50 MHz. I am using a 1:8 prescalar with the Timer1 counter. The display code is correct because it works with PIC18F46K22 but I cannot get the frequency counter to work. What am I missing?
Logic for transmitting data using PIC MCU – I am trying to send serial data output from single pin using PIC18f4550. What logic do I have to implement if I want to send 01001010 using the RB0 pin? My serial port is busy with some other function. I am using a serial-to-parallel connector at the RB0 pin of microcontroller. I have used a timer to generate the clock, but I don’t know how to transmit data using a single pin. Read more
Using hardware and software SPIs with 18F8722 – I use am using the 18F8722 in a project. This device has two hardware SPIs. I need one more SPI channel. Can I use the hardware and sofware SPIs together? I tried but I couldn’t succeed. Read more
Unable to program PIC18F45K50 with PICkit2 – I am trying to program PIC18F45K50 with PICkit2. I have sucessfully programmed several chips with this PICkit2, but the PIC18F45K50 turned out not to be supported. So I’ve downloaded modified device files from Microchip forums. After that, the chip was successfully recognized but it always say that “All protect” is enabled (Code Protection). Even after I erase the chip from PICkit2, it still says that “All protect” is ON. I have tried with several different PIC18F45K50 and the problem is always the same. Please note that I have already programmed PIC18F4550 (without ‘K’) and it worked fine. My current hardware setup (I am trying to program PIC18F45K50 on breadboard) is also OK, because it works if I replace the PIC18F45K50 with PIC18F4550. So I have no idea what’s wrong. Read more
AC voltage controller using PIC MCU – Can any one help me learn how to control the firing angle by using an external pushbutton-to-PIC microcontroller? Read more
Display quality issues for 120 x 12 LED sign board – I have developed an LED sign board (120X12) and its length is around three meters. I am using 74HC595 shift register for the columns and 12 lines from the microcontroller directly to the rows. The problem I’m facing is my code is designed such that the row is activated only after sending all the data to the shift register. Since the whole display is lengthy, it takes time to send whole data to the shift register which means nothing is displayed during this time. This is making the display very dull and flickering. I had even set the delay time to 0.07ms but this is making the display dimmer. If I set delay to higher values, the display is flickering even more. Is there any solution for this? Read more
PIC to PIC communication via external RAM – I would like to transmit data from a PIC18f to another PIC18f via an external RAM. The RAM needs to accommodate data from PIC1 and transmit it to PIC2 when called for and, if possible, do so simultaneously. The RAM size need to be 1-2 Mb . I have gone through immense application notes on PIC-to-PIC communication and PIC-to-external RAM communication but failed to get detailed documentation on PIC-to-PIC communication via a memory element. Can someone help? Read more
Compass and gyroscope readings not changing – I’m interfacing an IMU gy80 module with a TivaC board. The accelerometer is working fine but the gyroscope and compass readings are not changing.. Could you please tel me the reason behind it? Read more
8051 pin voltage problem – I have been working on an object chaser car based on IR sensors. I am using two DC gear motors which have been interfaced to the PORT 0 of the controller through L293DNE IC and there are four LEDs to indicate the direction of the motion of the car. I haven’t connected the IR sensor modules to the controller yet. Now as my project was nearly 80 percent complete, I decided to check the accuracy of the progress so far. So I burned the IC with a simple LED blinking program with PORT 1 into consideration as the LEDs are on PORT 1. The problem is when I turn the project ON the pins give only 2V as output. The another problem is that when I insert l293DNE, the project dies. Read more
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