Digi-Key Electronics announced that it has expanded its product portfolio to include Phase Dock Inc.’s WorkBench project development kit. This distribution partnership is part of Digi-Key’s Marketplace initiative to broaden the product offerings now available for customers, making Digi-Key more of a one-stop-shop than ever before.
Phase Dock offers a unique project development kit series, the Phase Dock WorkBench, that helps engineers, makers, and students turbocharge prototyping and accelerate projects built with evaluation boards and breadboards. The kits improve productivity by speeding time to completion, greatly reducing work area clutter, and minimizing project setup time. The WorkBench can be used with many development boards, sensors, and actuators carried by Digi-Key.
The Phase Dock WorkBench eliminates many problems common to prototyping. It saves time previously lost constructing an ad hoc platform from cardboard, plywood, etc. It provides portability and protection to fragile hardware that otherwise might be loosely wired together on the desktop. And it allows engineers and hobbyists to dive into the heart of their projects more quickly, easily reconfigure working prototypes, and maintain an orderly work area at the same time.
For more information about Phase Dock and to order from their product portfolio, please visit the Digi-Key website.
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