Using a PIC 16F887 to generate a 60Hz frequency – I want to use a PIC 16F887 to generate a 60Hz SPWM signal for a full bridge. I want to know what Timer2 prescalar value, PR2, and (external or internal) crystal oscillator to use. Read more.
Bluetooth communication from PC to Bluetooth module – I want to send commands from a Bluetooth device on my laptop to a Bluetooth module connected to a microcontroller. How can I establish that communication? Read more.
Interfacing external ADC0808 with PIC18F4522 – I’m having difficulties integrating an external ADC0808 with a PIC18F45k22. I created some code in C, but the result is incorrect and the temperature result on the LCD does not update when voltage on LM35 is changes. Read more.
Actual circuit not behaving according to simulation – I simulated a circuit in Proteus 8 and it works fine. When I made the same circuit with actual components, I got the following problems:
1. The port 0 has all pins at 5V DC. I grounded the switches to account for that, but I don’t know if the 5V is floating state or high logic in the above case.
2. Both my relays get switched ON and stay that way. I think the current from my port 2 is not enough to drive the uln2003an.
3. In my actual circuit I am using ILN2003an. i checked the datasheet and both seem the same to me.
Any suggestion as to how to correct my circuit or code? Read more.
Why is this AC light dimmer or fan speed control not working in simulation? – I am using PIC18F45K22 @ 4 MHz external clock and a microC PRO PIC Compiler.
My calculations are like this… Read more.
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