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PIC12F683 pin high problem – I’m using PIC12F683 which reads through ADC voltage and blinks led in various frequencies. That part works like it should in the code. Then there is a part which should control relay NC contacts (through transistor, RelayOutput at GP1_bit) when input GP3 is high. The program should turn GP1 high when short is sensed and retry six times turning GP1 low in 10 seconds intervals. Read more
Need help in LED control – I want to control 10 LEDs using a switch. The switch may be spst or dpdt or any switch, we can use any switch. The condition is only ten switch we have to use, and one switch for each one led. Read more
Delay until next second in PIC16F – I have a program in MPLAB in which I have a while loop within the main function. There are two tasks in the while loop, each task takes between 400 – 450 msec which I don’t know how to calculate exactly but I need to put a delay at the end to wait until the next second and then the next iteration of the while loop should start. Read more
PIC16F18877: trying to read accelerometer data – I am receiving the same value as the output even when I change the orientation of the sensor. What could be the reason? Read more
Random watchdog reset – I have a requirement of receiving 19 bytes of a frame over USART. Once received 19 bytes are passed to a handler for further processing. Read more
Problem with QFP32 socket and tl866 burner – I use TL866 burner to burn Atmega8A-PU. Now I want to burn Atmega8A-AU (SMD). For that, I bought a QFP32 Socket (Adapter), but I don’t know how to place IC on the socket and how to place the socket on the burner (TL866). Read more
PIC16f88 sleep mode & wake from interrupt – I’m using mikro c and trying to use sleep mode on a PIC16f88 MCU and wake from an interrupt on RB0 pin what I want to do is a simple project so I can understand how to use sleep mode. Can anyone help me with the code? Read more
PIC32mx795f512L start problem – Recently I’m facing a weird problem with my PIC32mx795f512l project. The controller won’t start until I touch to it with a bare finger. Read more
Multiprocessor communication USART in STM32Fxxx – I need to connect 4 MCUs on 4 boards, about 10cm between processors, speed 38400 bps. It looks simple, connect master TX with RX on slaves and RX on master with TX on slave, but I would not like to find out that because of the parasitic bus capacities it does not work or is unreliable. Read more
Problem with VPC USB FS and STM32F103VET6 device – I purchased a Cortex-M3 STM32F103VET6 board and trying to implement USB FS on it. I’m using CubeMX to generate code, the version is up to date and I’m using the latest firmware libraries (FW_F1_V1.6.1). After compile USB device doesn’t appear on the Device Manager. Read more
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