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3 PH power factor meter designing – My question is 3 PH Power Factor Meter Designing Related. I am using PIC18F26K22 and have completed the coding part. I want to know how I can design the ZCD interface circuit. I am designing the Power factor meter for a client. The client is using 3x 100:5 C.T. Read more
Handling multiple interrupts in a design – Usually, an interrupt is generated by the hardware in a design and the processor reads the interrupt when a negative edge is detected at the interrupt line (assuming active low interrupt line). After the firmware reads the interrupt line and executes the ISR, it will clear the interrupt status register so that the interrupt line becomes ‘1’ again.
Suppose I am having a system that has an active low interrupt line and multiple interrupts, say 10 interrupts. When any of these 10 interrupts is generated, the interrupt line goes low. Firmware executes the ISR and reads the interrupt status register to know which interrupt among the 10 has occurred. Assume that the hardware generates an interrupt and the interrupt line is low and firmware begins servicing the interrupt. Before the firmware completes servicing this interrupt, suppose a new interrupt is generated by the hardware. Since servicing the previous interrupt is not complete, the interrupt line will still be low. Since the system detects interrupt only when a negative edge is detected in the interrupt line, the new interrupt will be missed. How does a system handle this situation? Read more
Interfacing STM32F429 (FMC) with a 1 GBit Parallel NOR Flash (M29EWL) – I’m trying to interface a 1 GBit parallel NOR flash with an STM32F429 microcontroller through the FMC peripheral. The full part number is JS28F00AM29EWLA. The problem is, the 256 MB (2 Gbit) address space dedicated to the first bank of the FMC peripheral for the NOR/SRAM memories is divided across 4 sub-banks, 64 MB each with an individual NEx (chip select) signal for each sub-bank. Read more
How to burn hex file into AT89C51 – I am doing 3 years in B.E. CSE. I have no idea about practical implementation of a microcontroller. I have a development board similar to that I have uploaded. I am using AT89C51-24PI microcontroller. I have searched the internet for whole 2 days but still haven’t found a working burner software. Everything throws “Hardware timeout” error or can’t connect to the hardware. Can anyone do a favor and guide me through the process? Read more
Check over PIC16F18856 C Code – Could you help see if this C code has got any faults in it? It builds OK, but I wonder if it will work? It uses the PIC16F18856. Read more
Suggestions for PIC or AVR programming books – I’m a beginner in programming, I would like to set up analog and digital circuits using PIC and AVR that use 7-segment displays, LCD displays, etc. What do you guys think about PICBASIC programming? Can I use this programming instead of programming C? Read more
Step-by-step Thorana – We are planning to make a Thorana in our school using our school students.Please see the attached link for reference
1.We are planing to use Arduino for programming
2. We are using 12v 1.5w LED
3. We are planing to program like a matrix is working
4. Since Arduino can’t drive 12v LED directly so we have issue with wiring method for multiplexing
5. We are planing to use step down regulator for power supply
6.We suppose to use 3000 LED’s
Please see the below for LED type. Advice is needed for wiring method and more Read more
Project not shown in MikroC – While working on a project in MikroC compiler, all of a sudden the project disappeared though the name is shown on the top bar but without any work. Please see the screenshot and suggest how it could be restored. Read more
Reading a csv file in C – I have a .CSV file having around 1000 data. Those are the data collected from a 12 bit ADC. So they are like 4095, 2000, 1000, 1798, 3578 and so on. I need to read the file (Just for information I am using code composer studio) and store the data into an array. So that I can utilize the data from the array for further processing. I got some C code online but due to lack of comment, I don’t understand how those work or beyond my level of understanding. Read more
Oscillatory circuit in 8051 – Does the 8051 have also two different oscillatory circuit — one for the main clock which drives CPU, and another for sub-clock which drives peripherals? Read more
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