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PIC16F877 UART RX is not working TX and ADC are working – I am trying to show the ADC value and UART RX value on an LCD. The ADC value is showing on but the UART t value is not. Please help me to find out the problem in my assembly code with (PIC16F877A). Read more
PIC12F629 blowing up – I have a circuit using a PIC12F629 as an RF transmitter on the trailer socket on a truck (24V). I have 4 of these working perfectly but on one particular truck, the PIC is failing after a few hours of use. The first time both regulator and PIC failed and the second time only the pic failed. The client called saying that it failed again. Last time, I added a 5V Zener before the 78L05 as extra protection in case of voltage going above 30V but something failed again. I have tested the truck voltage and it does not go above 28V with the engine running. Any idea what might be causing the Pic to fail? Read more
SPI code to transmit the received data – I am new to programming and wanted some help with my project as I am trying to receive the data from 74hc165 parallel to serial shift register and want to send the received data to 74hc164 can any one help with TX RX part I would be forever grateful. Read more
Issue with sensorless BLDC motor using controller – I am in big trouble with a sensorless BLDC motor project. I am trying to achieve the control of sensorless BLDC motor using a microcontroller. I am using a Renesas microcontroller. I am able to run the motor but I’m not getting first start. Read more
STM8s003 getting reset with noise – I have made a voltage stabilizer using STM8s003. One problem arises. The controller gets reset, when
1> relay operates. have used snubber, and diode across coil, but nothing seems to work.
2> when i touch mutimeter’s probe at relay contact points(transformer’s voltage tap). not able to short out the problem. is there any suggestions??
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Voltmeter with PIC16F877A – I am trying to make a test board in order to make a voltmeter with PIC 16F877A. I am using a JDM Programmer in order to program pic and MIcro C Pro in order to make my hex file. Regret without results. This is the code I am trying to use without result. There is no problem with my programmer because I have tried with other hex files and projects. I am using also an oscillator 8 MHz at 13-14 pins with 22pf. Read more
MCU with FFT accelerator – Is there any low-cost microcontroller which has a hardware FFT accelerator? Read more
Show/merge two or more PAL videos on the same screen – I have not found anything about this topic. I want to creat a simple system that will merge 2 or 4 PAL signals into one. Input: multiple PAL signal sources like cameras, 2 cameras or more. Output: single PAL signal, screen divided in two or 4. What kind of microcontroller or chip can do that? Read more
High-end and low-end controllers – I am very confused with the terms like high-end and low-end microcontrollers. Is there anything like this? For example, if I say I am operating at 20 MHz microcontroller and 20 MHz a Freescale controller, will they perform equally? Read more
Ethernet with PIC microcontroller – Is it possible to send or receive data through Ethernet using any module and PIC microcontroller? Arduino shield with Arduino can be used but I want to do it using PIC microcontroller and modules. Read more
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