STM32, Free RTOS and LwIP – ping issues – I have been trying hard to get my FreeRTOS v7.3.0 system working together with lwIP v1.4.1 and I have sucessfully managed to get connection and DHCP. But when I try to use sockets it only works sometimes. I have been trying almost everything from changing the Heap Size, […]
MCU families with core-independent peripherals
The expanded family of PIC MCUs from Microchip offers Core-Independent Peripherals (CIPs) for use in broad range of applications, due to the growing number of these intelligent, interconnected CIPs that combine to perform functions autonomously, without the core. Because these functions are deterministically and reliability performed in hardware instead of software, CIPs increase system performance over typical 8-bit […]
Engineers start at API level with IoT development platform
Embedded systems development for the Internet of Things (IoT) holds the promise for differentiated and innovative products. Giving the embedded systems designer a head start by providing a ready-made platform from which to begin their work will be key to accelerating new product development. Renesas Electronics now offers their Synergy Platform to do just that. Designed to […]
timer 0 and PIC16F628A
by Jon Wilder The on-chip timer on PICs is confusing to some. But, not to worry…it’s probably one of the simplest on-chip peripherals to use on a PIC. In this article, we’ll use the PIC16F628A as our example of why that’s true. Timer 0 (TMR0) is one of three timers available on the 16F628A that is running […]
This week’s top microcontroller threads on
Connecting 80 inputs to a microcontroller – I want to check inputs from optocouplers. How can I multiplex the inputs to a microcontroller? I prefer to use the8051, PIC16f877a, or ATMega. Read more. MCP3428 interfacing – I am using the MCP3428 diferential ADC with a single shot conversion and interface through I2C to my microcontroller. It’s […]
Nucleus RTOS aims to wear IoT well
As an established real time operating system shipped in over three billion devices powered by hundreds of different types of MPUs and MCUs, it is unsurprising that Mentor Graphics’ Nucleus embedded RTOS is ready to fall lockstep into the Internet of Things. New SoC architectures designed for IoT require operating systems such as Nucleus optimized for size and performance. What’s […]
Digital signal controllers address power supply challenges
The 14-member dsPIC33EP “GS” family of Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) from Microchip Technologies delivers the performance needed to implement more sophisticated non-linear, predictive and adaptive control algorithms at higher switching frequencies. These advanced algorithms enable power supply designs that are more energy efficient and have better power supply specifications. Higher switching frequencies enable the development […]
This week’s top microcontroller threads on
PIC18F452 not working – I have a PIC18F452 microcontroller and am using a QL2006 programmer. I connected VCC, VSS, MCLR, 20 Mhz crystal and LEDs. I burn the code and set the power but nothing works. Is there something I need to set in the code or the burning options? Read more Recommendation for low-end […]
This week’s top microcontroller threads on
Using a PIC 16F887 to generate a 60Hz frequency – I want to use a PIC 16F887 to generate a 60Hz SPWM signal for a full bridge. I want to know what Timer2 prescalar value, PR2, and (external or internal) crystal oscillator to use. Read more. Bluetooth communication from PC to Bluetooth module – I want to send […]
Serial EEPROM – A Great Form of Non-Volatile Storage
by Jon Wilder Most PIC microcontrollers have some form of non-volatile EEPROM on chip. However, the largest I’ve seen is 1KB available on the 18F series. There are many applications in which we may need a great deal more than this. The Storage You Don’t Have For instance, what if we have a MIDI device […]