Mosaic Click is a compact add-on board for precision navigation and location-based applications from MIKROE. A new member of MIKROE’s 1750-strong mikroBUS -enabled Click board family of compact add-on boards, Mosaic Click features the Mosaic-X5, a compact global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver from Septentrio.
Mosaic Click offers low power consumption, various interface options, including USB and UART communication, and a microSD card for external data logging. Ideal for mass-market applications, the Mosaic Click is perfectly suited for robotics, autonomous systems, and other technologies requiring precise positioning and navigation.
Mosaic Click is fully compatible with the mikroBUS socket and can be used on any host system supporting the mikroBUS standard. It comes with the mikroSDK open-source libraries, offering excellent versatility for evaluation and customization. Mosaic Click, like all recently-announced Click boards, features the groundbreaking ClickID feature, enabling the host system to seamlessly and automatically detect and identify this add-on board.
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