Digi-Key Electronics announced that it will be the exclusive global distributor of the industry’s most affordable ready-to-use IoT data management software for the BeagleBone platform, Machinechat JEDI One for BeagleBone.
Machinechat’s JEDI One is an all-in-one software application for IoT developers and solution architects to provision IoT data collection, visualization, monitoring, and local storage capabilities in minutes. Offered as a single binary software application that is installed on-premise, JEDI One for BeagleBone is the industry’s most affordable ready-to-use IoT software solution that enables developers and their customers to have complete control over their data, along with an advanced set of data management tools that can be leveraged in minutes.
Available exclusively through Digi-Key Electronics for $39, Machinechat JEDI One for BeagleBone allows engineers to embed robust edge-based data collection, transformation, monitoring, and visualization to any IoT project in minutes.
Machinechat JEDI One for BeagleBone is available exclusively through Digi-Key Electronics for a one-time fee of $39.00 for a single premium license. Each license supports one BeagleBone board and up to 16 devices and sensors.
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