Peer-to-peer, engineer-to-engineer questions and answers from the engineering community around microcontrollers. Click the “Read more” link and follow the entire conversation and maybe add your two cents by logging in to Proteus error, no source line at PC address – I wrote a C code in Atmel Studio for ATmega32. Now I want […]
Hardware supported for FPGA FIL workflow automatically generates test benches for HDL verification
Microsemi Corporation announced its collaboration with MathWorks, a leading developer of mathematical computing software for engineers and scientists, to launch hardware support for field programmable gate array (FPGA)-in-the-loop (FIL) verification workflow with Microsemi FPGA development boards. The new integrated FIL workflow with HDL Coder™ and HDL Verifier™ from MathWorks enables customers to automatically generate test […]
MathWorks “Learn to Program” packs run on Raspberry Pi3, Arduino Uno and BeagleBone Black
Newark element14 is now stocking three new editions of the popular MathWorks Learn to Program pack, for the Raspberry Pi3, Arduino Uno and BeagleBone Black. The packs provide access to all the necessary hardware and software to get started including the board and MATLAB and Simulink Student Suite. The MathWorks Learn to Program pack enables students […]