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Proteus error, no source line at PC address – I wrote a C code in Atmel Studio for ATmega32. Now I want to debug it in Proteus. When I use assembly code, I can easily see the Assembly code to do “step in” “step over” and use a breakpoint, etc. But when it comes to C programming, I can’t see any code to debug it. I load .elf code in proteus. Could anyone give me a help on this issue? Read more
ACS712-5A AC current reading – I am referring to application 4 on Page 12 of the datasheet and also referring Page 13. I am using the exact 1N4448W diode mentioned in Application 4. I don’t want to measure negative current. There is a Vf of the diode. How do I compensate it to get 0 to 5 A reading for 0 to 5 A actual AC current? Read more
Where does this equation come from? – I was referring to this article to understand CORDIC to implement atan function. On Page 5, for vectoring mode, the direction di is given as 1 if yi<0 or -1 otherwise. Where does this relation come from? Is it only by observation or any logic behind this? Read more
Sine/cos encoder to digital – I have sine cos data from encoder and have to convert it to digital corresponding to angle and estimate the velocity as well. I need to do this using MCU. Any proven methods? Read more
Implementation of sine cosine using LUT – I was referring to this link on Mathworks that describes the generation of sine through LUT exploiting quarter-wave symmetry. I wanted to understand the concept and also how it is different from CORDIC?. Matlab always recommends LUT based sine/cos over CORDIC for fixed-point implementation. Why is it so? Read more
Problems with Arduino – I have recently put together a device that can measure and display temperature. I am using 2 seven segment displays, one small display for displaying some parameters and one large display (4inch height) for displaying the temperature. Now the problem with the large display is that the rightmost digit is extra bright while the left three are very dim. Read more
SD card identification – How does the SD host controller know whether an SD card is put in the connector slot? Read more
What is the default slave address for the ACS71020 – I am trying to communicate with ACS71020 using I2C communication. I want to know the default slave address for the ACS71020KMABTR-090B3-I2C. In datasheet also not mentioned about default slave address. Read more
PIC16F1934 Timer0 – I picked up a starter PICkit3 with the MCU, quickly blinked an LED, then decided I really enjoyed this whole stuff and started digging deeper. I am having some difficulties, however, controlling the blinking LED with a Timer interrupt. Read more
Baud rate limitation in PIC microcontroller – I have tested PIC 16F876 with 57600 which works fine. However, it fails at 115200. Is this a limit? Is it possible to use 16F876 with 115200? Read more
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