Moxa introduced its first embedded industrial computers to feature 64-bit ARM architecture to help asset owners address increased processing demands from new technologies. Built around an Arm Cortex-A53 dual-core 1 GHz processor, Moxa’s UC-2200A is an economical, reliable gateway for embedded data acquisition boasting a wide range of interface options, a compact footprint, and compliance with IEC 62443-4-2 cybersecurity […]
PoE+ Switches deliver up to 60 W to each port
To construct flexible and cost-effective IP video surveillance systems, integrators often take advantage of Power over Ethernet (PoE) switches, especially in outdoor locations. The challenge lies in ensuring that PoE switches can provide high power output and sufficient network bandwidth while remaining highly available and reliable, even when operating in conditions of extreme temperatures, harsh […]
4G LTE Jump Start Kit includes Modbus data logger, gateway, and I/O module
Moxa is now offering system integrators and OEM machine builders an extremely cost-effective and flexible solution to connect sensors and devices to a management platform or database over 4G LTE wireless networks. Now available in North and South America, the new Moxa 4G LTE Jump Start Kit addresses two key pain points when connecting operations […]