Percepio introduces Detect software for embedded systems and edge device testing, bringing continuous observability to development workflows. The tool extends existing Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing processes by implementing runtime monitoring and diagnostic capture capabilities for embedded software development teams. The system monitors performance parameters during testing phases, identifying timing violations and watchdog timer margin […]
Trace visualization tool includes FreeRTOS stack analysis, interval details
Percepio announces the release of Tracealyzer version 4.3. The new version has new features for state machine analysis, stack usage analysis for Amazon FreeRTOS and major performance improvements when working with large traces. “This is a major step in the Tracealyzer evolution,” says Percepio CEO Dr. Johan Kraft. “For instance, the new Interval Details view […]
Firmware monitor cloud service facilitates software quality assurance
Percepio announces Percepio Device Firmware Monitor, a new cloud service for software quality assurance in IoT product organizations. “Let’s face it – we can never be certain that any software is free of bugs. On average, 5% of the original bugs in firmware remain in the production code, despite all verification efforts. This can mean […]
Trace visualization tool now supports On Time RTOS-32
Percepio announces that Tracealyzer 4 support for On-Time RTOS-32, in addition to the already supported Amazon FreeRTOS, Keil RTX5, Micrium µC/OS-III and SafeRTOS/OpenRTOS. “Tracealyzer 4 is a massive improvement over previous versions. We have collaborated with On Time for more than five years and we are excited to now bring the next generation in RTOS […]
Embedded analytics platform for design and debug of real-time systems
Embedded software systems – which are at the heart of a variety of electronic products from lightweight IoT sensors to high-performance computing (HPC) platforms – are prone to sporadic errors that can be hard to spot and virtually impossible to predict or to prevent from reoccurring. At the same time, traditional chip design requires the […]
RTOS trace debug tool for VxWorks updated
Percepio AB, the leading specialist in software tracing tools for real-time operating systems today announced the release of Tracealyzer for VxWorks version 3.1.2, now available for download. Changes include several bug fixes and plenty of useful improvements, such as: User Event Log This view shows a text log of custom “User Events” that have been added in the […]
Embedded software tracing tool available for RTOS
Percepio AB announced immediate availability of Tracealyzer for ThreadX from Express Logic, the leading embedded RTOS with over 5 billion units deployed worldwide. Tracealyzer for ThreadX leverages the already existing trace library in ThreadX bringing world-class visualization to thousands of ThreadX developers. Tracealyzer for ThreadX displays kernel events such as context switches and ISRs as […]
RTOS adds visualization capabilities to accelerate IoT develpment
Percepio AB, the leading specialist in software tracing tools for real-time operating systems, has been working closely with ARM to develop Tracealyzer for ARM® Keil® RTX5, the new RTOS for Keil MDK and ARM mbed™ OS. Tracealyzer for RTX5 is based on Percepio’s latest Tracealyzer v3.1 platform and builds on ARM’s new Event Recorder technology […]