The XVF3615 adds embedded Amazon wakeword for single-pass Alexa-enabled systems, allowing manufacturers to offload wakeword processing from their host SoC systems. The product will be available for distribution in January 2022. A demonstration is available now and can be viewed here.
In an additional development in the range of voice solutions offered by XMOS, the company today launches an alpha phase for targeted customers for the all-new ‘Avona’ voice reference design. Leveraging the flexibility of the xcore.ai platform, Avona provides a customizable reference design for voice, wakeword, speech-to-intent, and intelligent voice applications.
Targeted at intelligent IoT applications, the Avona voice reference design allows engineers to incorporate a keyword, event detection, or advanced local dictionary support to create a complete voice interface solution. Partners and customers can also develop their own voice-based solutions using the xcore software development kit (SDK). Programmed In C or C++, and incorporating a FreeRTOS environment for user application code, the xcore SDK supports both bare-metal and RTOS use, offering customers total flexibility and the ability to add bespoke differentiation for the end product. The reference design will be made generally available in early 2022.
In the face of a challenging supply chain, XMOS is able to confirm that the XVF3610 and XVF3615 are available in volume on standard lead-times.
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