Winbond Electronics Corporation and Karamba Security announced unprecedented automotive cybersecurity solutions with their collaborative solution.
Karamba’s XGuard software has already been recognized as a name in the automotive and IoT markets, enabling customers to comply with the new UN R155 regulation, detect and prevent cyber-attacks on the device, without changing R&D and validation processes.
Winbond’s new TrustME W77Q expands flash memory capacity to 128Mb while maintaining its hardware root-of-trust and secure, encrypted, data-storage and data-transfer capabilities.
The combined Winbond-Karamba solution takes cybersecurity protection several steps further by maintaining system integrity even if the ECU itself is breached. Thanks to Winbond’s W77Q secure channel, and Karamba’s XGuard whitelist verification, and CFI (Control Flow Integrity) validation, users will benefit from out-of-the-box secured OTA updates, without requiring to invest resources in costly OTA secure channels.
The combined solution offers deterministic integrity checks, from development throughout the supply chain, starting from the silicon Fab, through deployment in the customers’ manufacturing plant, to runtime, without requiring customers to change their development or manufacturing processes.
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