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Need help for PIC12F675 Based 12V battery charger – I am trying to write code for a 12V battery charger used PIC12F675. It’s working for full charge but not working for low battery. I giving my project code, schematic and fuse below. Read more
Create mode function in PICmicrocontroller – I am creating a system that allows an LED to light up in few different mode.
microcontroller = 16F628A
compiler = MikroC
My PIC microcontroller is also connected to an 16×2 LCD to display current mode. Everytime I change the mode to INT, the result only reflects after one full cycle. Is there any way to make it change right after I press the INT button? Read more
Behavior for 3.3v PIC and 5v display -I am using one display that works on 5 V and the interface is UART. The PIC16F886 runs on 3.3 V. What is the behavior if we interface both on UART? Read more
Shift register not working – This is my circuit and I programmed it to display the number 7 segment display.I can get the output but I can see the bits shifting while trying to display the numbers. Is there any error in my program or circuit? Read more
UART receive string from SIM808 module – I am using a SIM808 module in my application. How do I receive the string effectively? Is this a right way to receive the string? Read more
Problem in T6963C with 8051 – I am interfacing a T6963C with an AT89s52 with an external character mode (value is 88h). My data is not showing in glcd. Read more
Problem with design ESP8266 – I designed a circuit with an ESP8266, but the contactor circuitry (made up of a TRIAC, optoelectric and ULN2003) is not compatible. When you turn off the power, you must first re-insert ESP8266. Why? Read more
Controller hanging up – The concept of my project is to warn the people in my factory of their interval times. It will create sound when switched on by the operator. The relay output is connected to DC12V horn to create the warning. My problem is when I switched on the circuit, the controller hung. It produced warning sound by continuous sound instead of beep sound (like LED blinking). I don’t what the problem is with the circuit and program. Read more
Switches to control two LEDs –
1. Does this program control two LEDs?
2. Is it efficient program or it can be better ? Read more
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