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External DAC with microcontroller – I have implemented external 22-bit ADC and external 12-bit DAC MCP4921. Now I want to use external 24- or 22-bit DAC. I have found some 24-bit DACs such as MAX5556, PCM1789, AD1852 (in worst case 16-bit LTC1655 or AD5410). But I cant use them, it’s not working, I cant make the communication with PIC18f45k22. I am using PIC18F45K22 with MikroC Pro. I searched on the form but I couldn’t find any familiar projects. Can you possibly help me, if you know how to use 24-bit external DAC with PIC18F45K22. Read more
PIC16f1829 output is just half the VDD and pk-pk is 240mv – I have been using PIC16f1829 at 3.3v for SPI interfacing but the port B is not getting configured and when I configure it as a digital io it changes state as per the program but with very low peak to peak voltage equal to 240mv only as shown in the oscilloscope image. Read more
PIC16F877A PORTE problem – A very simple program works fine in Proteus but in real hardware, it works differently. This is a very simple code. It should work like, PIN2 of PORTE on then PIN1 and PIN0. Then turning off one by one again. It works in simulation. But in hardware only one PIN becomes ON. Read more
Coin counter using PIC16f877a – I have a project: COIN COUNTER using PIC16f877a.
I need help to get the output pulse of the coin to the T0CKI of the MCU and display the output on 4-digit 7-segment LED. I already have an idea on how to display the output on the 7-segment since I tested burning programs on the chip and got them work. Read more
Mistake related to 16-bit timer – There is something I don’t understand about the behavior of my code. Can someone explain what’s wrong? Basically, I have a 16-bit Timer0 for PIC18F4550. I set it to count impulses. Read more
PIC12F675 coding/Reading on PCB – I currently have a device that has a PIC12F675 I/SN 1505. The device is basically a photoresistor catch and release device using a servo to open and close running of a 3.7 lipo battery
1. Is it possible to read the PIC12F675 from the board with out removing it ?
2. Can someone assist in helping me code a PIC12F675 to do such whereby using the photoresistor as the trigger to open and close the servo. Read more
Structure value assign to an array – I want to assign structure value in an array. Is it possible? Read more
Interfacing MCP4162 with PIC16F886 – I am facing problems in interfacing the PIC16F886 with the Digital POT MCP4162. Here is the code for the same if I am sending 0x00 and 0x00 my pot output should be 0 ohms but it is showing 96Ω and if I send any other value the pot is not changing. Read more
Receive UART data as hex value – I am using MPLABl x IDE with v3.61 on Xc8 compiler, PIC18F24K40. I used MCC generated UART code for send and receive data. The problem I am facing is when I try to send data 0103000000Ac5CD in ASCII format I receive as a character, but when I try to send in hex format I could not able to receive nothing. Read more
ADC maximum value issue – I am interfacing ADS1501 12-bit ADC with a controller. I am getting proper o/p form 0 to 0x7fffh with variable POT of 1k,5ketc. Now the thing is that the 12-bit ADC should get result o/p upto 0x1000h but I am not getting that much of a value. My supply voltage is 5V and I have used 10kΩresistors to pull up SDA and SCL lines. Read more
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