SEGGER’s emRun++ is a groundbreaking C++ library, fully compatible with the modern 2017 standard. It is used and proven in SEGGER’s multi-platform Embedded Studio IDE for RISC-V and Arm and is now available for licensing to toolchain vendors.
emRun++ guarantees fast heap operations with a low instruction count limit, enabling even hard real-time applications to be written in C++.
emRun++ is based on SEGGER’s efficient emRun and emFloat runtime and floating-point libraries. It includes a complete C++17 Standard Library with generic container templates (such as sets, vectors, lists, queues, stacks, maps), standard algorithms (sorting, searching, transformations), function objects, iterators, localization, strings, and streams, and utility functions for everyday use cases.
To support common embedded use cases even on resource-constrained targets, the C++ library is available in a “no-throw” configuration, avoiding overhead associated with exceptions.
emRun++ can be evaluated in Embedded Studio as can other licensable components from SEGGER (emRun, emFloat, SEGGER Linker, and SEGGER Compiler). Embedded Studio can easily be downloaded for unlimited evaluation, free of charge, with no restrictions in terms of code size, features, or duration of use.
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